Thursday, June 3, 2010

See: Mayan Database

Sunspot Cycles; Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, in their book the Mayan Prophecies, say that the end of the Great Cycle is the culmination of a series of long-term sunspot cycles which will flip the sun’s magnetic field, causing earthquakes and flooding on earth. Moreover, the changing magnetic field will alter the endocrine production of the pineal gland. John Major Jenkins has pointed out that the detailed graphs of the cycles do not actually show significant termination points at the end of the Great Cycle; click here for Jenkins' full unabridged review of The Mayan Prophecies.

According to John Major Jenkins, it will take 36 years to precess through the Galactic equator. The Galactic Alignment "zone" is
1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 to 2016.
This is "era 2012"

[So why are we worried?]

2007 = 2012 - proof?

Generally speaking, scientifically accepted records of sunspot activity do seem to be heading for a climax in the near future.


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